Saturday, November 1, 2008

Put On

I told myself I wouldn't do this on a basketball blog but these are desperate times. If one person reads this and goes and votes or gets Mom, Dad, Grandma, or their Auntie to, it was worth it. These pictures can probably say more than anything I could ever type.

The worst natural disaster in U.S. history. Homes destroyed, children and elderly left to die, thousands dead. Keep your head up, Nawlins. Where was John McCain?

Chilling with his big homie the day after Katrina hit , celebrating his 69th birthday. Where's a Kanye live interview when you need one?

Chris Rock said it best:"How the fuck did we invade a country that is rich in oil, but gas goes up? I don't know about yall, but if I invade Kentucky Fried Chicken, wings are gonna be cheap at my house!"

Chad Metcalf was a dear friend who I went to school with from Kindergarten until graduation. He was the life of the party, always made you laugh, and was proud to serve his country as a Marine. He passed away April 3, 2003 while serving during Operation Iraq Freedom. Miss you Chad, I know your looking down on us. Thank you for your sacrifice. We will never forget.

There is so much more to say but not enough time to say it. If you don't know the policies hit up and You know what to do.


Anonymous said...

Excellent endorsement. Pictures can speak volumes...and these images certainly do.

AR said...

McCain and Bush aren't exactly 'homies',far from it.I refer you to the 2000 election.I kinda feel sorry McCain,he seems like a good dude and even the republicans don't like him.

On the other hand,good sentiment.And Obama 08'.

Socialism is actually very fun.

B. Long said...

@AR:They're not homies? What do you call someone who flys across the country to bring you a birthday cake during a national crisis? Family?

B. Long said...

And if you want to read something less political check the Do It Big article I posted the day before.

AR said...

Things the Bush Administration said about McCain during the 2000 Primaries:

-Called McCain the 'fag candidate'

-Circulated rumours that McCain had illegitimate children and a drug addicted wife.

-Accused McCain of having a black child(his daughter was adopted from Mother Theresa's orphanage)

-Inferred that McCain's time in a POW camp had driven him insane.

-Called McCain a coward and a traitor and used fringe veteran groups against McCain(which he would later use against Kerry in 04')

Not exactly homies,the cake thing was playing politics,trying to get support.Which he didn't.McCain has never cared about the evangelical Christians(the Bush and Palin-ites),and they only see him as the lesser of two evils.If it weren't for him loving war so much and being against abortion,I'd have no problem with him winning.

But nonetheless

Obama 08'
Winfrey 12'
Colbert 16'

B. Long said...

A Ryne Nelson comment! ON MY BLOG? Oh my Jesus! J/K. Thanks Ryne, and make sure you check out the post titled "The Meeting" I promise you'll laugh out loud at least three times.

B. Long said...

@AR:When politicians are running against each other they always pull no punches like that. Look at the Clintons and Obama. Now Bill has been his biggest supporter the last couple of weeks. It comes down to party politics and the bottom line is that McCain voted with Bush a self confessed 90% of his time in office.

B. Long said...

I like your picks for the next 3 elections though. Not sure about Oprah...

Moose said...

Thanks, B. Wow. Really worked there. Y'all peep Hibachi!

Moose said...

Obama better win tomorrow; I've been doing campaign work and I'll be doing stuff tomorrow as well. Barack the vote!

DP said...

I am wearing my obama shirt tomorrow at school and I know the republicans(Hi haters!) are going to say, "oh you are just voting for him because he is black." Really? Because the way I see it, I know the man's policies and what change he wants for my country so if he was freakin Indian I would be down with him. But people in Mississippi are so narrow-minded and racism is still blazing down in my state. People won't admit it, white people(in my school, not none of you guys) don't want to see a black man in office. and most of them don't have their own opinions. They get theirs from their parents. Obama 08!!! "My president is black, my lambo's blue, and I'll got damn if my rims ain't too!" swagger like us.

Anonymous said...

i have voluteered at the Obama campiagn for a whole day in the past, and tommorow, on election day, i will be their with my grandparents celebrating history. People told them they wouldnt live for this, but America is gonna be brand new after this. However, just because Obama elected says 'yes a black man like me can be president' it does not mean that he will be the greatest president of all time. But him being ELECTED is more important than any other president being elected. What he does in office is different though.

AR said...

B.Long:Good point,but this goes deeper than that.He did vote with Bush but that's mainly because he is pro war.He also sent Bush a 3 page personal letter saying how much he thinks Bush is fucking up Iraq.He also really went for Rumsfeld during the aftermath of Abu Graib.McCain really isn't a friend of the Bush administration.Bush never campaigned for McCain-that's almost unheardof.

The biggest mistake in McCain's campaign was Sarah Palin,if it wasn't for her her would have gotten a lot of democrat votes.

And like to change what I said earlier,there are MANY reasons I wouldn't vote for McCain,but McCain himself is the least of them.

B. Long said...

McCain also completely and uttlerly lied about the state of Iraq during his visit there. He said that he walked by himself with out a military escort in the streets, Turns out he had hundreds of soliders and two tomhawk helicopters with him.

TADOne said...

Well B, you should be happy I finally checked out your blog. This was great. I'm anticipating a celebration in a few hours....

B. Long said...


BreadCity said...


Justin Walsh said...

B. Long, that is a very emotional, poignant endorsement. I am glad we got to see Obama win. Great job!