Given the fact that a Ricky Rubio article was the first thing I ever wrote that got published at Slam and my Brandon Jennings article was the first thing ever posted on this blog it would be an unforgivable injustice not to cover their first epic battle against each other across the pond. From what I can gather from the incredible on site game notes of none other than Lang Whitaker at SLAM(yes, they got it like that), It sounds like both guys held their own against each other. Ricky dropped dimes and made clutch defensive plays while being limited offensively with a hand injury while Brandon dropped jaws, 12 points, and an unverifiable number of assists due to the fact that apparently the Euroleague officials aren't so great at keeping up with that sort of thing. All in all, a great showing by both guys. Brandon convinced Lang that he belongs in the lottery discussion (no small feat) and Rubio's squad gets the W. It seems that with the Olympics over and the shock of Brandon heading to Rome instead of Tucson dying down so has the hype over these guys draft status.
Late this summer, the buzz about these guys was crazy and deservedly so. Ricky had just justified the 17yr. old Spanish Pistol talk by holding his own against the Redeemed Team. Brandon was a recently crowned High School player of the year who turned his back on Lute Olson at Point Guard U and decided instead to study abroad in Italy. Both guys are incredibly entertaining to watch and both guys are doing things in places like no one else before them. So what happened to all that number one spot in 09 talk? Well, there are questions about Ricky's ability to apply for the draft due to the age limit and how that effects players overseas as well as his contract that would have to be bought out. The other reason is two words: Blake Griffin.

I want you to look at the picture above. Think back to 04. Try not to focus on the off the court drama and remember just how damn talented that team was. Four future H.O.Fers, the Super Lakers. Now I want you to remember crying your ass off after you got waxed in the Finals by the Pistons. That sucked didn't it? SO WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LETTING YOUR GUYS GET AWAY WITH PLAYING PISS POOR DEFENSE!?!? You guys started out great on the defensive end this year. The first ten games where beautiful, then all the sudden you guys started playing all Mavericky and just tried to out score people. WTF? That didn't work in 04, it didn't work last year, and it damn sure isn't going to work this year. The Celtics are better this year. I repeat, the Celtics are BETTER this year. Don't ask me how a team that loses James Posey and doesn't bring anyone of real importance in gets better, but they did. Maybe it's just the maturation of Rondo, Powe, and Perkins but this team is absolutely terrifying and LeBron has the Cavs not far behind. Maybe you need to take a page out of KG's book and yell, scream, get on all fours and bark like a dog...I DON'T CARE BUT DO SOMETHING! This team cannot keep playing the way it has the last two weeks and expect to win a championship. I know it, you know it, and Paul Pierce knows it. Now get this shit straight and lets get back to stuff like this.

A Concerned Laker Fan
Oh Yeah, I forgot to mention that those Under Armour basketball shoes Brandon Jennings is rocking are fugly. They need work before those release stateside,BJ.
The Celtics have just dominated everyone they've played in the last 4-5 games. Portland had nothing and the Hornets got dominated too. They just kept missing open shots. The Celtic D was not even that great though. They gave up open shots. Just couldn't hit em. KG is... odd offensively. Doesnt assert himself a lot, but still gets 18-9.
Fucking great ish' B. Long. I agree on almost every point, but I am not super 100% gung ho on Blake Griffin- I know the Karl Malone comparison is dope, but people thought Jason Maxiell was the next mailman. I just think that NCAA bigmen depth is sooo non existent this season. They are spread out across conferences. Thabeet in the Big East, Blake in the BIG12, Tyler H. in the ACC (whom I think also takes advantage of a lack of talented players taller than 6-9 in the NCAA) as well as a few others. I understand he played well against Taj Gibson at USC, but Taj is so skinny, it wasn't a good matchup. I want to see a Thabeet matchup, a Semardo Samuels matchup, an Earl Clark Matchup. An Al Farouq Aminu matchup. I want to see him beastmode them. Great piece B. Long
B, I haven't read this yet, but I will in the morning and I'll give you feedback. But for now, I'm advertising. Please, everyone read Hibachi 2.0. I've got some news . . .
I never thought Jason Maxiell was the next Mailman but I feel ya on wanting to see him bring it against better people. March Madness is gonna be off the meat hook this year.
Good piece, B. And yes, we Celtics are cruising. I wouldn't worry about your Lakers though, B. Christmas day at 5 o clock! Mark your calendars! Oh yeah, and on the 20th a nice little Hibachi 2.0 ish is coming out from me . . . and it'll be up for a lil' while. So get excited about the holidays!
i dont get it? GET DUNKED ON? WHAT? Huh?
^Says Grease Lightning. I've missed your commments, E.
E is just mad cause I posted a pic of Blake Griffin shitting on his boy. :)
Yeah, I liked the pic, but on the serious tip, if you walked onto a court with that shit floppin' in the breeze, I'd probably let you win 'cause I'd think you just got out of Lance Bass rehab somewhere and I'm all about change this holiday season.
That's why I rock a do-rag on the court, homie. I'm still waiting for Sasha to hook me up with one of thos man-band things he uses.
A DOO RAG????????????!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This motherfu*ker is too funny! Oh man.....(crying).....(still crying)....(hysterical laughter)..DooDoo Long.
What you yall call'em in MIA, E? Grease rags?
That's hilarious, E. I'm not the dude that gets caught wearing a blue or red one on the wrong court though. I stick with my white one. I'm told by sources that would know that that color is "nuetral". If I can get away with in Shreveport, La. I could probably pull one off in the MIA too.
haha B. Long, you need a nice d.rag that has in big helvetica print on it "not affiliated" hahah. That'll let 'em know. In Dallas, if you're white with a doo rag, nobody thinks they're in a gang regardless of color because to be honest the only white people in gangs are bald or head buzzed with hair tats in em (shaved designs)...That's just Dallas though, it's different everywhere else.
Yeh... you wear a doo-rag in Sydney and you're white, everyone thinks you must be mentally retarded or some shit. We don't have as many African people here lol.
@BLONG- Why doesnt your wife respond to trade requests? C'mon dude. Get her to pick her game up.
Pick her game up? Isn't she BEATING you? She doesn't want to trade anyone because she basicly just picked her favorite players and doesn't really understand the concept of Fantasy basketball.
Hey B. Long. Great article here. It's my first time to check out your blog and I thought I'd write a comment on one of your stuff. I have to agree about the Under Armour basketball shoes. That thing needs a lot of work. :D
Check 'Bachi!
I'm on the verge of sweeping Teddy the Bear this week (7-2) and there's only 1 assist and 2 turnovers and I'm 9-0. He can't catch me in anything unless something drastic happens.
If that happens I'm 3 'points' under 50%. And I go from 2nd last to 5th or something.
Doesn't help that half my damn team has been injured/traded either.
I'm coming back B, no worries.
I'm hoping you have a piece this week that explains the Lakers utter failure in Miami.
Can I combine it with the Cowboys utter failure against the Ravens tonight and just say God apparently hates me?
Well, the Cowboys are fuc*ing overrated.....uhm...wait...that could be true of those LA boys know....those same guys that have had the 2nd easiest schedule in the lig so far. They're really less than impressive.....especially in notes to be available this afternoon. You WILL enjoy them.
The Pacers and the Bucks have probably had the toughest schedule so far, with 65% of their games on the road, and they aren't *that* far off 50%.
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