It's funny because it's true. Well at least that whole embarrassing the NBA since 1970 is. Damn. This was supposed to be the season too. The Rebirth. The prodigal son returns. They also added Cambyman and Eric Gordon to a squad that already had the ever improving Al Thornton and Hulkamaniac Chris Kaman. Sure Elton left, but no one expected this. An opening night ass whooping by the big boys across the gym had to be a brutal wake up call for B-Diddy and the Fam. So what went wrong? Well...Elton left. Now Elton isn't sitting in a much better situation in Philly, but the void he left in Clipperland and the way he played with Coach Dunleavy's emotions definitely had a negative impact on this team that is still lingering. The main problem on the court is that this team has no bench. Name two players on the Clipshow bench without nba.com. Exactly. They have no bench, no chemistry, and Baron apparently isn't the savior that all three Clipper fans had been praying for. Don't get me wrong, I love Baron's game, but what I don't love is his constant headbutting with his coach and the way he seems to care more about his production company than the job that gave him the ability to have a production company in the first place. Like I said in the NOYZ section of SLAM, Baron signed with the only franchise that gives him a better chance at winning an Academy Award than a NBA related one. They'll be lucky to break 25 wins this year and the future doesn't look much better. The more things change...
What can you say about the Sacramento Kings that wasn't already said about the Bush Administration's last few months in the White House. They don't give a fuck how horrible of a job they're doing because they're getting the hell out of town anyways. Vegas here we come. Kevin Martin has been pretty much the only bright spot on a team that struggles for an identity that it will never find without the support of the Maloof Brothers, which they won't get until they suck bad enough to keep every loyal Sacramento King fan out of the gym and Stern gives the O.K. to head to Sin City. This fiasco has been brutally obvious since the decline of C-Webb and the All-Star game on the strip a couple of years back. The Maloof's were drooling. So they decided to screw the fans that had rooted the team into the playoffs for half a decade, blow up their team instead of rebuild it, and wait it out. If they keep playing like this they will soon get their wish. Trading Ron Artest to the Rockets for Donte Green and change may be helpful in the long run but it was the nail in the coffin for Reggie Theus as coach. Brad Miller is still Brad Miller, Bobby Jackson is not still Bobby Jackson, and Beno is a competitor with Gas-X, not an NBA starting point guard. Their biggest surprise this year has been a rookie named Bobby Brown. These guys will also be lucky to break 25 wins this season and Vegas is definitely the Maloof's prerogative.
Phoenix Suns

Los Angeles Lakers

Where's my report card, Mr. Long???
If you know who's on the next SLAM cover already does your vote still count?
Oh....and good work on this preview, B.
@E:The question isn't who IS on the cover of the next SLAM, it's who SHOULD be. Big difference.
@Moose:I'm just got done with the Western Conference, ride slow, homie.
best report card I got. failed in one part of intro to LAC but totally aced the intro to LAL
I can't wait for my evaluation, B. Take your time. Maybe you should stick an extra paragraph to your Ceatles report card, because you prolly don't wanna report any of that anyways. :)
Which part of the intro did I fail on with LAC? I love Baron Davis too but the proof is in the pudding.
hahaha no, B. Long i meant that as in the clips are failing school and the Lakers are passing. I didn't mean YOUR piece was fail. hahahaha I loved your input, especially on the clips. Man, you misinterpreted me.
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